Elbow Creek Engineering, Inc.   |   USA   |   mike.botz@elbow-creek.com   |   Tel: +1.406.656.6386

Elbow Creek Engineering, Inc.   |   USA   |   www.elbow-creek.com   |   Tel: +1.406.794.8965

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Heap Leach Modeling

A heap leach system for gold/silver or copper extraction is complex and involves a multitude of reactions, inventories and recycle streams. Elbow Creek has established an expertise in developing heap leach models using METSIM simulation software. Models incorporate the mine block model/plan and account for the geometry of a heap, the leach cycle(s), leach curves, reagent consumptions, pregnant solution collection and metal recovery (CIC, SX/EW), all in a dynamic modeling environment to give day-by-day mass balances for the entire circuit. Models can be developed for new heap leaches, heap expansions and for existing heap leaches.  

Also helpful in the early stages of a project is modeling of laboratory column leach tests.  This allows for early evaluation of leach kinetic parameters, quantification of reagent consumptions and extrapolation of ultimate metal extractions. Column test data can then be confidently utilized in a model of the full-scale heap.

Why model a heap leach?

Models are developed on your behalf and native files are delivered to you. Beyond that, Elbow Creek can travel to your location and train your staff to run and update the model, or if you prefer, training can take place remotely by a GoToMeeting virtual connection.

Dedicated Multiple-Lift Heaps

Interlift Liner Evaluation

On/Off Heaps